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All CollectionsGetting StartedConfigure Interface Components
Component Configuration: Continuing Education
Component Configuration: Continuing Education
Updated over 12 months ago

Webinar-based continuing education has evolved into a fan favorite amongst companies:
It's simple to register, attend, and best of all – Receive CE credit reporting; and automated certificate delivery to your webinar audience!

To Get Started With Continuing Education:

  1. From within Interface Builder, add the Continuing Education component to your Interface.

  2. Once you have added the Continuing Education component to your audience interface builder, click Click here to edit to configure. Or, click the gear icon then select Configure.

​There are six options to select & enable for Continuing Education: Let's review each included option to set up our CE certificate!


Configure the certificate requirements and enable requirements tracking by enabling any of these requirements.

You do not need to send a certificate to simply track the requirements.
Standalone CE results may be downloaded from the activity section, found within the event's dedicated reporting URL.

Possible Criteria Includes:

  • Require Quiz Completion

    Select this option to require a quiz to be completed for a certificate.

  • Require Survey Completion

    Select this option to require a survey to be completed for a certificate.

  • Require Minimal Minutes of Viewing

    Select this option to require a minimum amount of minutes to be viewed in order to get a certificate.

  • Require Number of Answered Polls

    Select this option to require a minimum amount of polls to be answered in order to get a certificate.

  • Require a Minimal Number of Credits

    Select this option when attendees must at least gain the specified credits to be awarded overall.


Enter a date on which participants must complete the requirements.
​Certificates will not be issued after this date.


This area helps you design and upload the certificate participants will receive:

Begin by clicking here to download our PDF template, and use your favorite PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat Pro DC to design the overall look of your certificate.

Upon opening the PDF you will have full access to edit and adjust each element, simply swap out the background of your choosing and align your form fields to the desired locations.

You may want to inspect the template for included "form fields" as they may be hidden!

Each "field" will allow you to automatically render known information onto the certificate, like the date & time, or first & last name as an example.

After upload, don't be too concerned if a yellow X appears beside any fields not used or hidden on your template. After uploading your template, the platform will scan and reveal all form fields it's found.

You are not forced to use all fields provided. Any yellow indicator should be reviewed, and if that token was unneeded. You can safely proceed with your CE certificate upload.

You may include any of the following fields in your certificate:

  • {CertificateName} - Embeds the entered certificate name.

  • {CertificateID} - Embeds's own unique identifier for this certificate.

  • {ParticipantName} - Embeds the First & Last name used at registration.

  • {Date} - Embeds the date on which this user passed all requirements for CE.

  • {EarnedCredits} - Embeds the amount of credit earned for this certificate.

Certificate Email

Customize the email message sent to each registrant with their certificate attached.

Certificate Message

Customize the message given to participants upon completing the certificate requirements. This text appears in the Continuing Education component for the viewer:


Pre-configure your event's CE component to display a table of credit information, allowing your audience to define and track just how far along they are in completing all eligibility requirements:

Click on the "Manage" button to configure the table of eligibility requirements for the webinar.


  • Credits are not cumulative.

On-Demand Availability

Disable/restrict Continuing Education tracking during on-demand playback, so that participants will not receive certificates or credits during on-demand.


  • This feature is always on for any events created straight for on-demand.​

  • For On-Demand webinars, you can disable fast-forwarding within Media Player to ensure audience members can't skip ahead in the presentation.


Hide the Continuing Education component from your Audience by checking the Hide from Audience box.

Unlock and Recalculate

Should your CE requirements change after the event has taken place.

We provide you with the ability to unlock the "Continuing Education" requirements, as well as a recalculate function, to take another pass and recertify anyone who should now pass with the updated requirements.

After updating the requirements, allow for approximately 3 minutes to pass before attempting to recalculate the results. This will ensure that all registrants are successfully re-calculated and processed correctly.

Click on the lock icon to update your Continuing Education criteria:

All changes to your Continuing Education criteria will be displayed in the history.
Which will appear anytime a re-calculation is performed.

An option to Download Recalculation Results is also available for your personal records.
​There are multiple downloadable reports available:

  • before-calculation.all.csv

  • before-calculation.not-completed.csv

  • credits-updated.csv (only available when there are credit changes during the recalculation)

  • certificate-resend.csv (only available when Resend Certificate is enabled)

  • credits-updated.already-completed.csv (only available when Resend Certificate is not enabled. It has the same content as certificate.resend.csv.)

  • after-calculation-all.csv

  • after-calculation-completed.csv

For more information or other related articles:

For further assistance, contact us through chat or send us an email at

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