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Component Configuration: Survey
Updated over a week ago

Feedback from the audience is key for future webinar success. The Survey component allows you to collect feedback from webinar attendees after your webinar.

Within Interface Builder, add the Survey component to your Interface. Select the Customize tab.

Survey Title

Enter the title of your survey.

Survey Description

Your survey description only needs to be three or four sentences at most.

Include the following useful information in your survey description:

  • Your name

  • The name of your company or organization

  • The goal of the survey

Show Survey

  • On Dock: The Survey Component will only appear on the lefthand menu within the Audience Interface.

  • When Webinar Ends: The Survey Component will only appear as a pop-up at the end of your webinar.

  • On Dock and When Webinar Ends: The Survey Component will appear on the lefthand menu within the Audience Interface and appear as a pop-up at the end of your webinar.

Add Questions

How to write good survey questions:

  • Write questions that are simple and to the point

  • Use words with clear meanings

  • Limit the number of ranking options

  • In a multiple-choice question, cover all options without overlapping

  • Avoid double-barreled questions

  • Offer an “out” for questions that don't apply

  • Avoid offering too few or too many options

Click the Add Questions button to add question to your survey

  • Question: A good survey question helps you get clear insights and business-critical information about your customers, helping you understand things like:

    • Who your target market is

    • Did attendees find the webinar useful

    • Why visitors leave your webinar

  • Description: A description hows some text without requiring an answer. It is not a question but a label.

  • Question Type: No matter what data you need, we have the question type to collect it!

    • Checkbox: Checkbox questions are multiple-choice type questions that add the flexibility of being able to choose more than one option. Add as many answers as you want, and respondents can pick as many answers to the question as you allow them to.

    • Dropdown: Use dropdown menus to ask your attendees to choose a single option from a list.

    • Radio Button: Use Radio Button questions to ask your attendees to choose a single option from a short list. Radio Button questions should always be used when asking yes or no questions.

    • Text Area: Use Text Area questions to collect a paragraph or two of text.

    • Text Field: Use Text Fields questions to collect a single word or short sentence response. For example, name, street address, or city.

Below is a sample survey question as seen within the Interface Builder.

The following is a sample survey as seen within the Audience Interface Builder.

The following shows a sample survey as seen from the Audience Interface.

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